Questions & Answers



Need some clarification please 

Just had this happen and ended in argument 

Ref is present 

Player A fouls, ref calls and acknowledges foul 

Player B asks for ball in hand, ref acknowledges player B proceeds to pick up cue ball.

Now my understanding is that when a ref is present only the ref is to touch anything 

If Player touches then loss of frame foul should be called ???

International Referees Organisation

Player B can pickup the cue ball, and here is the most important bit, as long as the foul has been acknowledged by the referee or the opposing player if no referee.

The referee will always endeavour to recover the cue ball on any foul but there is no legal requirement to do so. If the player wishes it to be left in situ and wishes to play from where it lies or have second thoughts and pick it up themselves, the choice is theirs.

Should the incoming player request it to be left where it is before the referee picks the cue ball up from the playing surface the referee will then call ‘time running’.

The only exception is in a touching ball scenario, the referee must lift the cue ball on every occasion.

What is the penalty if the player makes a foul and picks up the white before it has completed its final destination with no possible contact with any other ball on the table?

International Referees Organisation

The player should never touch any balls before they come to a rest as it is only at that point that the shot is over.

This would be a Loss of Frame foul

6f (9) Deliberately moving a ball(s) other than playing as part of a shot


“If I deliberately play my yellow on to my opponents only remaining ball, with no intention of anything hitting a cushion, so as to cause a stalemate, is that still just a standard foul and a re-rack?”

 If you deliberately play a ball with ‘no intention’ of hitting a cushion, would that not constitute a deliberate foul which would therefore be a loss of frame?

International Referees Organisation

A referee wouldn’t be able to call that this was intentional and should call ‘Foul, Ball in Hand’ in the first instance. Should a player make the referee aware that he intentionally played a foul shot a Loss of Frame could be called but this is highly unlikely to happen.

Should a player continuously commit the same foul and a referee believes it is a deliberate act then they may deem a Loss of Frame is the correct action as per rule 6f(2) Unsporting Behaviour


If I’m snookered and escape but don’t hit a cushion it’s a foul. If I make an attempt to hit my ball and do but don’t make an attempt to hit a cushion after is that a deliberate foul and loss of frame?

Hi I have a question around 6f loss of frame fouls. If a player strikes the on ball correctly but it is obvious they have not hit the white ball hard enough to ensure a legal shot is performed by either potting or hitting a rail could this lead to a loss of frame foul. 

An example being all balls (both yellow and red) are grouped together in the centre of a table. Player A on yellows hits the white lightly to only just hit their yellow ball to ensure they make contact but do not break up the group of balls. No ball hits a rail or pots. Is this an intentional foul resulting in loss of frame?

International Referees Organisation

This would be a Standard Foul as per 6e (12) for failing to perform a ‘Legal Shot’.

Here’s the guidance for a Legal Shot.

6p Legal shot

DEFINITION – To play a legal shot’ the player must cause the cue ball’s initial contact to be with a ball ‘on’ and THEN must either:

(a) Pot any ball or balls (except the eightball if not ball ‘on’) OR

(b) Cause the cue ball or any object ball to contact a cushion.


The player is aiming for a yellow no other balls close so no need to nominate the player misses the yellow ball hits the cushion comes across the table hits a red which then hits a cushion.

Is it just the other players shot? 

If this is correct would it be a loss of turn if the player had potted the red?

International Referees Organisation

This would be a Loss of Turn if the red was potted, if not potted, control of the table is handed over to the opponent, no foul has been committed.


Player has ball in hand from a standard foul.

Can the player position the cue ball such that it is touching one of their own balls in order to create a touching ball scenario and allow them to play an opponents ball directly without loss of frame?

International Referees Organisation

Following a standard foul if the cue ball is touching an object ball, the cue ball must be repositioned/moved. But if a player then decides to reposition the cue ball to create a touching ball then this will be seen as a deliberate act to gain an unfair advantage, to the point where a Loss of Frame is given for moving a ball that was not played as part of a shot. 6f(9).


When playing under the 45 second timer and in a tricky position where you need to make a valid attempt to hit your own ball but you know by doing so you will open up the table to your opponent what would the rule be if you didn’t take the shot and got timed out?

International Referees Organisation

There are a few factors in this scenario that the referee has to make a judgement call. Ultimately you can to make a decision on wether the play has simply just forgotten and the time ran out or they as you say did it deliberately.

It’s a judgement call because you need to make sure you understand the layout and situation of the current opponent.

If you deemed it unintentional, then a standard foul will apply but if you think it’s done with intent then you can apply a loss of frame foul (5) A player who clearly and intentionally fails to make an attempt to play a ball(s) of their own group.


A stalemate situation occurred, but neither player made a request of stalemate to the ref. 

The incoming player came to the table and played a shot that could only result in a foul. Would this be a ‘loss of frame foul‘ or a ‘standard foul’ (the incoming player claiming he thought  he could make a legal shot)

International Referees Organisation

First of all, we need to correct your scenario because a stalemate doesn’t exist until it is confirmed.

Therefore a player will play a shot not knowing that the shot could only result in a foul, otherwise they would call for a stalemate. Therefore only a standard foul can be given in this situation.


If you play the white to pot a ball that’s over a pocket and said ball drops in before the white reaches it, causing the white to also go in the pocket due to the object ball no longer being there when the white arrives…what is the ruling??

International Referees Organisation

All the balls get put back to their original positions so that the shot gets replayed. Rule 6k Balls falling into a pocket…


We had a scenario where the 8ball was in the pocket and a red covering the black, (there was a clear path to the black).

Person on red also had a red ball down the other end of the table and was snookering the person on the black. The person on the black made 6 attempts at the black and was not getting any closer to the black is there a limit to how many times they can keep trying to attempt to hit the black or would it just become a stale mate. Or could it go on for ever. 

International Referees Organisation

Obviously there is an expectation each attempt that you should get closer each time.

If it should go on and on, then at some point the opponent will likely have loss of frame called against them for not making sufficient progress. One reason is they might be leaving the cue ball intentionally short each time to avoid hitting the red and potting the black to lose the frame.


It was an open table and the player called REDS as there was a yellow close by. The cueball hit the yellow on the way past to then potting the red. Umpire called foul, ball in hand as the player had “nominated” the red but hit the yellow first. I believe it to be just a loss of turn shot with the table remaining open.

What is the correct ruling please.

International Referees Organisation

It’s a loss of turn, because nominating doesn’t determine the colour set, it provides you with opportunity to pot a specific set when the choice of shot is not obvious, like in your example.

And just to add, if you nominate red, and hit a yellow first, that is automatically a loss of turn, regardless of what any ball does afterwards.


Player 1 plays a successful combination shot. Player 2 moves in to play a shot. Does player 2 get given a standard foul as soon as they enter the playing area? Or do they get given a standard foul for playing out of turn if they play a shot? Should the umpire inform Player 2 that it isn’t their visit? And, what would happen if Player 2 just moved into the playing area and Player 1 stands back because they think Player 2 is going to play out of turn, but they don’t and then the time runs out?

International Referees Organisation

If player 2 plays a shot after a successful combo by player 1 then player 2 has committed a standard foul for playing out of turn.

If there is no call from the referee then player 1 shall assume the combo shot was legal and continues visit.

If player 1 stands back because player 2 enters the playing area, player 1 has the right to ask the ref who’s visit to the table it is.

If player 1 lets player 2 approach the table and the clock hasn’t been reset that is a tell tale sign that it is not player 2’s visit.

Player 1 can request a timeout to resolve any issue they think is incorrect.

If player 1 sees player 2 about to play a shot out of turn and they know this to obtain a foul, but the player doesn’t play a shot, I’m afraid, if the time runs out it’s a time foul. It’s player 1 fault for allowing this situation to happen.

The referee will not get involved, until after an incident has happened where the appropriate call is required.


Player one breaks, legal break, red ball is potted table is open. No obvious balls are ’on’

Now, Rule 6d(4) states, failure to call a group after potting a ball whilst the table is open if the group was not obvious is “loss of turn”

Player one just strikes at the pack, hits a yellow pots a red it is loss of turn open table. BUT PLAYER FAILED TO NOMINATE.

Player one just strikes at the pack hits a yellow pots a yellow and also pots a red. He’s yellows. BUT PLAYER FAILED TO NOMINATE. Should that be called as loss of turn. 

Player one just strikes at the pack hits a red and then a yellow pots the red and the yellow. He’s reds. BUT PLAYER FAILED TO NOMINATE. Should that be called as loss of turn. 

I fully understand that nomination DOES NOT DECIDE COLOURS.

As an opponent should I be calling ”LOSS OF TURN” Rule 6(a) 5a the player MUST indicate to the referee and/or opponent the intended group because it was not clear and because the game should be played within the rules and in a sporting manner?

International Referees Organisation

If your opponent has a good old swipe at a pack of balls on an open table, then it is clear there is no intent to pot a specific desired group, they are taking pot luck something goes in, therefore a nomination would be required beforehand so that in the event the nominated group is contacted first, that would then allow the potential of groups being decided, should a ball from the nominated group get pocketed.

Failure to nominate is loss of turn.


Open table, one red one yellow close to the corner pocket and touching each other. Red can be potted, yellow can’t. But the angle needed to pot the red is very close to having to hit both colours at the same time.

The player spent some time lining up alternative options for potting reds on subsequent visits before potting the red in the corner. 

Just from watching the player play the red it is not obvious which colour he intended to hit. 

Can the referee make the decision that the red is the intended target based on the players actions in the build up to the shot, and that the red can be potted?

Or should loss of turn be called for failing to nominate?

International Referees Organisation

As the question stated “just from watching the player play the red it is not obvious which colour he intended to hit”

This can only be a Loss of Turn as per rule 6d(4)

Failure to call a group after potting a ball , whilst the table is ‘open’, if the group was not obvious

Rule 6a(5) Where the choice of group is not obvious.

(a) The player MUST indicate to the referee and/or the opponent the intended group.